Homemade Cat Food – What You MUST Address

Many People are choosing to make their own cat food. But in doing so they may be leaving out important key factors that could possibly be harmful to their cat. This article identifies some of the most important issues in homemade cat food and what you must address when feeding it to your cat.

Why The Concern With Homemade Cat FoodsSylvester On Rock

One of my favorite articles is one written by Dr. Karen Becker. Where She refers to a kitten that was fed only raw chicken muscle meat in the first few months of its life. This poor kitten became deficient in several important nutrients, which caused metabolic bone disease, lameness, and retinal degeneration. Luckily this little kitten recovered after a couple of months of rest and being switched to a balanced diet. But not all cats or kittens fed a nutrient deficient diet are that lucky.

As with all living creatures cats have certain vitamin and nutrient needs that are unique to them. In the wild a cat would eat almost every part of the animal it kills including some bone, the internal organs (including the stomach and its small amount of contents), and the head (including the brain and eyes). All of these parts of the prey provide different important nutrients. All these parts together make up a balanced diet

Be Sure To Supplement With Taurine

One of the most essential supplements for your cat is taurine. Taurine deficiencies can lead to serious ailments such as heart conditions and retinal degeneration. Cats do not synthesize enough taurine to meet their needs, so taurine needs to be added, sometimes even to foods that naturally contain some taurine because it degrades so easily. When you freeze meat and then thaw it out to feed it some of the taurine is lost in the liquid that comes out so try to feed the juice as well as the meat.

Other Key Nutrients To Include

Feeding a diet that is made up of one raw meat such as chicken muscle only will be insufficient in required vital nutrients such as vitamins A, B, D and E, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc and iodine. There would also be inadequate amounts of enzymes and phytonutrients.
B vitamins such as niacin and thiamine (B1) are harmed by cooking, so should only be added to an already prepared food at the time of serving. Vitamin B1 deficiencies can lead to weight loss, blindness and neurological disorders and if left for too long can lead to death.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness. The best source of natural vitamin A is liver so this should always be included in their diet, if its not then you will need to supplement.

Calcium is found in bones, so if your cat is not getting fresh or ground bone in its diet daily then you will need to supplement.

A Word About Supplementation

Sylvester By HostaKeep in mind supplements should only be added at the time of feeding, do not add them ahead of time. Most enzymes and amino acids are degraded with heat or air exposure.

When adding supplements be sure to follow directions carefully. Cats are sensitive to too much added nutrients and certain ones in excess amounts can harm them.

Too much calcium can cause slow growth and too much magnesium has been associated with stones in their urinary tract. And vitamin A and D can be toxic in high amounts.

Things Cats Don’t Need

All over the internet you can find warnings about what to NOT give to your cat. Here are just a few that stand out to me and ones that my vet has conveyed as well.

Onions and garlic have been believed to cause hemolytic anemia in large quanities. So as a general rule I do not give my cats any “people” food that contains garlic or onions even small amounts, its not worth the risk to see what the toxic amount is.

Tomatoes are another food that should not be in your cats diet. So no giving your cat your spaghetti leftovers, the combination of tomatoes, garlic, onions and carbs could be very unhealthy. (Not worth the risk).

Grains and carbohydrates such as wheat, corn, soy, potatoes, rice or oats should not be included in a cats diet. They lack the enzymes to properly digest carbohydrates and can cause inflammation in the gut leading to digestive ailments and disease.

Supplementation To Meet Your Cats Nutritional Needs

There are many varieties of supplements on the market today. Even some that can be tailored to your pets specific health concerns. The cat that has kidney disease is going to need a different supplement than the cat that has a thyroid condition. A great supplement for homemade raw diets is TC Feline Premix. It is designed to balance the homemade raw diet.

It is important to work closely with your vet so they can determine based on the food you are feeding what would be the best supplement for your cat to ensure the best species appropriate balanced diet.

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8 thoughts on “Homemade Cat Food – What You MUST Address

  1. Nice post and thanks for sharing.I have a kitty and she loves meat. I always feed her cat food, But when we are eating she is crazy for tuna and meat. Is there any problem with tuna? And by meat… I mean salami, turkey, ham…
    what is your opinion? of course, I am talking about very small amounts.
    Thanks for an informative article and I will sure be back 🙂

    1. Hi Cristina, Thank you for visiting my website and thank you for commenting on my post. Very small amounts of cooked meats are probably ok but I would stay away from the processed meats like the salami and ham they have too many preservatives and tons of sodium. Tuna is questionable… it can also have a lot of sodium and tends to have high amounts of mercury. Also be careful feeding meat that is prepared for people because we usually add salt, garlic, pepper and other seasonings that can be harmful to your cat. I know it’s really hard to tell the kitties no when they’re at your feet as soon as you open that can of tuna.

      I hope this helps, best wishes to you and your kitty


  2. Interesting article about what you need to include in making your own cat food. I never heard of taurine before. You mentioned how important it is for your cat, but what is it? Pet owners do need to realize that their pets need certain nutrients and there are certain foods that they should not eat, just like us.

    1. Hello, thank you for reading my article.

      Taurine is an essential amino acid, meaning that our cats have to get it from their food – they can’t make it on their own. The best sources are dark meat chicken and organ meats such as heart and liver.

      If you would like more information on cat foods please read my article The Importance of Grain Free Cat Foods.

      Wishing you and your pets the best


  3. Hi Pam!

    Thank you for this great article. We have two tomcats ourselves and while we currently feed them food from the super market, we always try to make sure to find good, healthy food. I was surprised to see how many, well known brands put sugar (SUGAR!!!) in their cat food. This is something I don’t understand to this very day. If you want to buy good food, you really have to actively look for food that does not include sugar. Drives me crazy.

    Hence, I am also thinking about making our own food. This article really helps with making progress with that idea.


    1. Thank you for reading my article. I’m glad you found it useful. We really do need to research and think about what we feed our beloved furbabies. Most commercial pet food manufactures do not have our pets best interest at heart it all comes down the almighty dollar.

      Be sure to follow my guidelines and check with your vet to see if they recommend any other supplements for your kitties.

      Wishing you and your furbabies health and happiness


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